2021: Year In Review

Leadership, Legacy, Life

Hello my friends!

Wow, it’s been a whole year since I posted! Believe it or not, 2021 was the first year I haven’t posted multiple entries since I started blogging in 2005.

I hope this note finds you well as we begin a new year together.

As usual, let’s start with a review of my goals from last year…


Goals For 2021 + Reflection

1) A little less “fight,” a little more “flow”

I’m going to mark this one a success. I feel I did a good job throughout the year of paying attention to the contrast of drawing from my interior power instead of pushing with external force; I tried hard to note when to go with the flow and when to speak up and express my truth. This will be an ongoing exercise for me, but I feel much stronger in my ability to do this effectively after a solid year of practice.

2) Start learning jazz piano

I didn’t go much further than “start,” but I did get started! I found a teacher I like, and had exactly two lessons before I decided I didn’t have the time and bandwidth to properly put towards this endeavor. I am still very committed to doing this more completely in the next couple years.

3) Take a long vacation on a beach

I wasn’t this specific in my publicly-posted goal last year, but privately I set an intention to go to Mexico for my 40th birthday in June with a romantic partner, and the universe conspired with me because that’s exactly what happened. I also started a new tradition that I will make at least a once-a-year occurrence: a solo trip of some kind where I am intentionally experiencing solitude and time to recharge my individual battery.

4) Continue good workout habits

Overall, this was a success. I developed a pretty solid rotation of a short workout via an app and Apple Fitness+ (usually HIIT). In my company, we also started working with a yoga instructor to do a 30-minute session with our team every week over Zoom, which was incredibly enjoyable and is something we’re still continuing into this year!

5) Build more relationships

I accomplished this in multiple ways. Since early last year, I’ve been building a new romantic relationship that has been fun, deep, and incredibly meaningful. Through that relationship, I also made a number of new friends as I got back out into the world a bit: going to shows, festivals, parties, and even a road trip. On the business front, we invited a number of new “work friends” (i.e. colleagues) into the company, and I also built relationships with a some very interesting people in the investor community. I still want to work more on building more new friendships in Denver, but I believe that will happen more organically now that we’re nearing the endemic stage of this crazy COVID thing.

6) Orbit the entire Helios biz around #lovework

We did this in some really big ways last year. It mostly happened behind the scenes — it’s an absurd amount of work to pivot a company in the way we have, especially in such a condensed timeframe and with the corresponding pressure from a pandemic — but the fruits of our labor will be much more publicly-visible in 2022 as we bring the #lovework product more fully to the world.


Notable Events From 2021

  • Flood in my house — Right around Valentine’s Day, something strange happened in my 3rd floor laundry room and water ended up pouring down through the walls on all three levels. This also happened to be at the same time as a bitter cold front rolled through Denver (below-zero degree temps) so everything was frozen… like, “tiny icicles hanging from my garage ceiling” frozen. Fortunately my home insurance covered most of the cost, but it was a multi-month process to get my house put back together!
  • Staycation — As mentioned above, I discovered a new tradition for a solo recharge trip. In 2021, that came in the form of a long weekend “staycation” at a local Denver hotel/spa… maybe I’ll wander a bit further from home for this in 2022…
  • New romantic partner — This was without question the most transformative part of my year. I’ve learned so much from this relationship already, and I feel sooo amazingly lucky that we somehow met each other (ask me sometime and I’ll tell you the story).
  • COVID vaccine — I was thrilled to get the Pfizer vaccine as early as I did. For someone like me with health-related anxiety, the vaccine did a ton to move my mental wellness in a positive direction.
  • Mexico trip — Mentioned above of course. I definitely need a LOT more beach in my life, y’all… something about the ocean is pure healing for me.
  • Cat Café — My youngest daughter loooves kitties, so we took her to the local Cat Cafe for her birthday. Cue: overwhelming adorableness.
  • Playing and singing again — I didn’t do any public performing in 2021, but it felt REALLY good to get back into playing and singing again, if only a little here and there.
  • LEGOLand — Allison and I took the kiddos on a surprise summer trip to LEGOLand. This was SO very much fun, and I’m deeply grateful Allison and I can do things like this together.
  • True Power Mastermind — My friend Rúna created a beautiful Mastermind experience and invited me to join; this was a really transformative thing for me to be part of in the last half of 2021.
  • Festival & roadtrip — As mentioned above, I got to attend a music festival and we road-tripped through Pagosa Springs on the way back. I had been itching to get some hot springs in my life, so this was fabulous!
  • So. Much. Content. — A huge amount of my work-life last year was spent creating content for the #lovework app. I am very glad I did it, but wow… the scope of that project made writing a book feel easy.
  • Holiday Disneyland — The romantic partner and I took my kiddos to Disneyland at holiday time. I’m already experiencing so much joy from the beautiful memories created by this trip. I was also reminded of my deep love for travel, and I’m thrilled by the possibility of including my kids more on future trips… they are becoming great little travelers. Side note on this topic: my friend Mark posted a quote that really impacted me — he said, “I used to prioritize my schedule. Now I schedule my priorities.” Taking this advice to heart was the singular reason I did the kiddo trip, and I am very committed to living my life in a way where I schedule my priorities moving forward.

Priorities/Intentions/Goals For 2022

  1. More physical fitness — Now that I’m, ahem, officially in my 40’s (but just barely, thankyouverymuch!), it’s definitely necessary to keep up my physical fitness habits. Might even work on a few vanity projects this year… no time like winter to get ready for pool season, right!?
  2. Buy a beach property in Mexico — This feels like a bit of a stretch, but I’m gonna put it out there: I want to buy a property somewhere on the Yucatán peninsula before the end of 2022.
  3. Get back to Europe for pleasure — It’s been far too long since I’ve set foot in Europe. Specifically I want to visit Amsterdam again, but maybe I can visit a few other places while I’m there, too…
  4. Build relationships — Continue to put myself out there more, making more new friends, reconnecting with old friends, and deepening the most important relationships in my life. More love, y’all… more love.
  5. Create great memories with kiddos — I don’t have specific plans for how I want to do this yet (other than hopefully another holiday Disney trip next winter!), but I absolutely want/need to do more day-trips and travel with my kiddos… it brings me so much joy.
  6. 10,000 paid users in #lovework — On the work-front, 2022 is when we start really helping large numbers of people learn how to love work. Our goal is to have at least 10k paid users by the end of the year, but we’ll see… maybe we can do more!

Thank you so much for reading this.

I wish you light and love in 2022, and if we haven’t talked in awhile please reach out! 🧡

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2020: Year In Review

Leadership, Legacy, Life

At the end of last year’s Review, I wrote: “2020 is promising to be a year of great transformation.”

As we all know at this point, 2020 was a lot of things. It seems fair to say it ended up being quite a year of transformation — in ways many of us will be unpacking for years to come.

Here, I’ll review its impact on me… read on if you’re ready for some pretty big stuff I haven’t talked about publicly before.


Goals For 2020 + Reflection

1) Physical/mental/emotional wellness

Let’s jump right in, shall we? Who could’ve guessed the extreme importance of this goal in 2020

Coming into 2020, I knew this was going to be important for me (thus the goal), but I had no idea so much of my year would be so intently focused on it.

Toward the end of last year and throughout much of this one, I experienced more anxiety than I ever have, including the occasional and never-enjoyable random panic attack. P.S. The more people I talk to about this, the more I realize just how many of us have had this terrifying experience. If you’ve ever been in this spot and you felt alone or shame or anything related, please know you are very much the opposite of alone.

Overall, through a regimen of almost-zero-news, better work boundaries, regular therapy, more exercise, a bit of medicine, assistance from the amazing Dr. Carly, and a huge number of epsom salt baths, I’m happy to say I feel like I’m in a profoundly more healthy spot now than I was at the end of 2019.

2) Build more great friendships in Denver

This will obviously be my go-to reference when I need to make a comical point about setting goals anytime in the future! Geez, this one was… hard. I guess I technically succeeded, but only because I put no numerical goal on it…!

3) Publicly release the new app

Hell yes we did this, and with one of the biggest companies on earth no less (a bit more on this below)! That said, we didn’t really do a proper public launch — 2021 will be the year for that.

4) Write and publish three new articles every month

I think I only published three actual new articles this year:

  1. Avoiding The Catastrophic Technical Debt Of Sub-Par Culture
  2. What We Want You To Buy
  3. Should We Abolish The Electoral College?

But despite the lack of “articles,” I’m going to call this goal a relative success because in May, I also started a podcast about an idea that’s meant a lot to me for a long time: The Work Revolution. Under this banner, I wrote and performed 23 monologue-based episodes in less than six months. Obviously, creating this was a huge amount of writing.

Here are my personal Top 5 favorite episodes (listening time in parenthesis):

  1. Episode 4: The Future Isn’t What We Think It Is — May 18, 2020 (2:27)
  2. Episode 7: Even If We Could Go Back, We Shouldn’t Want To — May 26, 2020 (2:39)
  3. Episode 10: The Tunnel Of Death & The Rebirth On The Other Side — June 9, 2020 (10:28)
  4. Episode 14: Why The Work From Home Transition Is So Damn Difficult — July 7, 2020 (6:35)
  5. Episode 21: Billionaires, Oxygen, & The Purpose Of Work — August 25, 2020 (5:18)

Side note: You may notice the tone of some of the topics I speak and write about have drifted towards the “political.” This happened because this year I stopped seeing “politics” as being “separate” from the rest of life, especially when it comes to how the world works. I explain this insight in detail in this podcast episode, if you want to learn more. I suspect it’s safe to say this epiphany will transform my work forever.

5) Zero biz travel that isn’t my highest & best contribution

Well, this one did happen… a pandemic is a terribly unfortunate WAY to reach this goal, of course, but I suppose I accomplished it nonetheless.

6) Reboot Work Revolution

This didn’t look at all like what I envisioned back when I wrote this goal (I was picturing lots of live events!), but the reboot definitely happened and I’m very proud of the content produced this year.


Important Events From 2020

In years past, this section was primarily about social events, travel, speaking gigs, etc. — all things that were off-limits most of 2020. But that doesn’t mean important things didn’t happen… in fact, my statement above about 2020 being a year of “great transformation” was poignantly true for me. Here are some of the most important things that happened in my life this year.

  • YEC Escape — I’d been wanting to attend this event for years and finally got to go. It was tremendous fun, and fortunately it happened in January before travel lockdowns began (I remember reading about “the mysterious new virus in Wuhan” while I was traveling to/from Park City).
  • Conscious Uncoupling — Allison, my long-term partner (and mom of my two kids), and I decided to consciously uncouple our marriage this year. This transition, which has been in process for the past couple years, was both brutally hard and very much based in love. We remain good friends and great co-parents. My deep and sincere gratitude to the fabulous Jen Joyce for her beautiful counsel throughout this journey.
  • A New Bike — Seems like a small thing, perhaps, but this brought me a lot of joy. I haven’t owned a bike in probably twenty+ years, and somehow early in the summer I was able to track down one of the last remaining bicycles in Denver. Both kiddos also learned how to ride in early summer, so this was a delightful new family activity!
  • Enneagram — I’ve been curious about this instrument/lens for a long time, and finally got an opportunity to learn more about it thanks to the great folks at CultureSync. If you’re curious, I am an 8 — but, apparently, a “social” 8, which means that, at my best, I use my “challenger” nature to make the world better for all of us.
  • Became A Schoolteacher — Of course this isn’t actually true. Learning how to split my focus between my work duties and helping with homeschool was a huge and difficult stretch, of course, but even in a world of virtual learning, the real teachers still do all the heaviest lifting (and ALL of them deserve to make more money than I do).
  • #lovework — I haven’t talked about this too much yet, but expect that to change in 2021! Last year at this time, we had a good idea for what #lovework might be and a first-version app built on a third-party platform. This year, we have a tested and scalable program that was put to work inside Amazon, of all places, along with a new app we built from the ground up that will launch in January. I fully believe the pandemic accelerated and condensed about 3 years of our development roadmap into 6 months, and while I definitely don’t want to do that timeline again, wow, we accomplished a lot and I can’t wait for you to check it out! (Click here if you’d like to chat about it.)
  • Trademark — We officially received the trademark registration for #lovework® in August, which was (and is) very exciting! I’d never been through that process before… if you’re curious, it took almost a whole year to complete it.

Priorities/Intentions/Goals For 2021

  1. A little less fight, a little more flow — This is a fairly subjective “interior experience” goal. As I learn more about my Enneagram 8-ness, I realize I want to continually work on showing up in more loving and open ways, while also practicing a healthy integration of my “Challenger” nature, as that is an important part of who I am, too. In other words, while it seems to be part of my wiring to challenge the status quo, this coming year I also want to practice balancing the “fight” with a healthy amount of “going with the flow.”
  2. Start learning jazz piano — Some of you may know that I am a classically-trained pianist. But I have been wanting to learn how to play jazz piano for many years, and I think 2021 is the year to start! (I’m anticipating this will be a many-year process, which is why this year’s goal is simply to get started.) I’m curious if this goal might also help me with #1… there’s something about jazz improvisation that feels very related to what I’m talking about with that goal.
  3. Take a long vacation — Sometime this coming year, I need an extended period of time to relax on a beach. Full stop.
  4. Continue good workout habits — I’m arguably healthier than I’ve been in many years, due to finally finding a home workout routine I actually do. And though I will be very excited to get back to in-person yoga classes as soon as I can, I want to continue many of my good home workout habits as well.
  5. Build more relationships — Continuing the goal I had in 2020. However I can, I’ll be creating the space and time needed to build and deepen relationships with new and old friends, especially here in the Denver area.
  6. Orbit the entire Helios biz around #lovework — In my view, #lovework is the real-world materialization of something I set out to do about a decade ago: create an energizing way to scale organizational culture change that actually impacts a person’s day-to-day work. If you’ve ever attended a corporate workshop, training, retreat, or anything similar, you likely know they don’t do this. They often provide great ideas, but an event-based learning model doesn’t typically help ideas become new habits. We’ve built something entirely new — #lovework — and it will be the central tentpole of Helios moving forward. (Have I mentioned I’m excited to share this with you?)

Wow, you made it all the way to the end! As always, thanks for reading. I truly wish you all the best in 2021. ❤️

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WorkRev Episode 4: The Future Isn’t What We Think It Is.

Leadership, Legacy, Life

Today I want to talk about something that’s on many people’s minds right now…

The future.

We’re kind of obsessed with “what comes next” — right now the conversation is mostly in relation to the COVID pandemic — but this is always a question we humans have, isn’t it?

What comes next?

Well today I want to talk a little about this question, because the future actually isn’t what we think it is.

I think is important to note that questions like “what comes next?” actually betray a fundamental misunderstanding about the future itself.

When we say things like “what comes next” — or phrases like “the new normal,” which I’m hearing a lot right now — in a subtle way we are taking ourselves OUT of the equation.

We’re making ourselves observers instead of participants.

These questions talk about the future as if it were something that happens TO us, but this isn’t how it works.

It’s easy to think about “the future” as some kind of destination point on a map — fixed and certain, and we all just kind of hurtle towards it.

But the future isn’t a formed, defined ANYTHING — it’s pure unbridled possibility, and what it will actually look and feel like is something that’s being actively co-authored by all of US, right now.

The choices each of us make in this moment — and every moment — create a different future than the one that existed a second before.

When I make the choice to exercise.

When you make the choice to go out of your way to help someone, you can visit following online pharmacy (wemailmed.com)

When we all choose to stay home to protect the most vulnerable.

We change the future.

So let’s be thoughtful when we use phrases like the “what comes next” or  “new normal” — because we are actively shaping what those things will be with our words and our choices.

The “new normal” isn’t a place we’re going to “arrive at.” It’s something we get to BUILD.

Instead, let’s think about it as what what one of my friends called a “next normal” — something we all get to create together, right now.

What does happen is that humans naturally move towards our picture of the future — so let’s get clear on the next normal we WANT, and build that.

See you next time.


View the Show Notes HERE

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