Josh Allan Dykstra

Josh Allan Dykstra


Future Of Work
Keynote Speaker


(+1) 323 545 6425


I’m Back… And My TEDx Is Live!

I’m Back… And My TEDx Is Live!


“If you see me less, I’m doing more.”

Toward the beginning of this year, I saw the above quote on Instagram.

While I recognize the bold irony in this kind of statement being posted on a social network that was created to make people feel like they’re being seen more, it was resonant for me.

For many years, I was able to share a LOT online (reference my blog archive or writing portfolio), but over the last few years I simply haven’t. As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t believe there are excuses or reasons, there are only priorities — and I’ve been doing my damndest to prioritize the right things… sometimes succeeding, and sometimes failing spectacularly.

Transforming our organization into Helios has been a big task — much bigger than I imagined. This brand feels so magnetic that it’s sparked a lot of re-thinking and re-building. The idea of heliotropism in work has completely infected the way I think and the way we work — and as such, it’s felt quite compulsory to re-engineer our product offerings accordingly as well, which is no small task with a growing organization.

(If you see me less, I’m doing more.)

I’ll talk more about how we’ve transformed our offerings another time; for now I just wanted to say hello and pen a bit of a re-entry!

My intention is to share fresh ideas with you on a much more regular basis moving forward. I’ll still be writing about the same things I have for many years (i.e. how to make work not suck), but in my last few years of non-sharing, I’ve been learning a LOT about how to put this into practice, so you’ll be seeing more of that.

For a long time I’ve believed work should be life-giving instead of life-sucking — we now know exactly HOW to do that, and I want to share those things with you.

Until then, please check out my TEDx!

It’s right here: — along with practical follow-up actions (a free downloadable FAQ, an Online Course you can take, etc.) that will show you exactly what to do next if you want to start implementing the ideas in the talk.


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