Josh Allan Dykstra

Josh Allan Dykstra


Future Of Work
Keynote Speaker


(+1) 323 545 6425


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Why I Disappeared For A Few Weeks

Hello friends! Apologies for my absence — although, you may agree that I had a good excuse if you read all the way to the bottom. Here are a few fun and interesting things going on in my world…

1) Work Revolution ‘Stuff’ Is (Finally) Happening!

The term “work revolution” has appeared in various forms within my writing for quite awhile. For years, it was the actual title of my blog. In 2011, I started talking about it more like a movement and a tribe of rebels. Then I learned about my now-friend Julie Clow’s awesome book with the same title.

As the “work revolution” concept has evolved, it’s become clear to me that all the work I do — writing, speaking, consulting, advising, whatever — actually orbits this idea of somehow instigating a complete reinvention of the way we work with each other.

Starting a literal work revolution, if you will.

Well, the movement is taking on a life of its own, and our website has launched at!

My co-organizers and I are also announcing (in a quiet way) our first “Work Revolution Summit” which will be held one month from now in NYC. If you or someone you know should be there, please apply through the site and/or email me.

2) There’s A Shiny New

I’ve been wanting to give my main website a facelift since the beginning of 2013 and finally got around to it. I had a couple goals with the new design — first, to make it more responsive (i.e. mobile-friendly; go ahead and punch into your phone!), and second, to make the blog more visually readable if by chance you wanted to read my blog posts on the actual site.

The responsiveness is one of the coolest parts of the site now; go ahead, try resizing your browser window and watch how the layout auto-adjusts. Incredibly cool in my book.

Much care was taken in selecting the right font, spacing, etc. for blog entries and maximum readability. (It’s all patterned off of, if you were curious.) I hope you find it much easier and more fun to read directly from the screen.

3) The Real Reason For My Disappearance…

My wife and I had our first baby on July 31! Here’s me and my new favorite person:



  1. August 22, 2013 - Reply

    So happy for you and your growing family!

    Loving the new site and revolution. Keep it up Josh! Can’t wait to see what’s next!

  2. August 22, 2013 - Reply

    Oh LOVE how open the site is Josh – and love your “new” creations – both the Work Revolution and the sweet angel!

    Huge congratulations on flowing that energy beautifully in the world :)

  3. August 22, 2013 - Reply

    The site is beautiful! So is your family!

  4. August 26, 2013 - Reply

    Congratulations on your growing family. It is good to see such love!

  5. August 26, 2013 - Reply

    Thank so much, everyone!

  6. August 27, 2013 - Reply

    Congrats Josh!

    I love the idea of a paradigm shift in how people think about the word “work”.

    The change agents might consider partnering with Empower Network. So many times people get online, and have yet to discover their strengths and skills which makes content to profits a bit difficult. I love the companies vision which appears to resonate with Work Revolutions.

    Work Revolution becomes a place to guest blog, and builds SEO street cred. Just a thought.

    • September 3, 2013 - Reply

      @Joe Stauffacher

      Hey Joe, thanks for the heads up!

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