Josh Allan Dykstra

Josh Allan Dykstra


Future Of Work
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How To Navigate Life After College

How To Navigate Life After College

It’s a delightful thing to get to watch someone’s dream come true.

I’ve been fortunate enough to encounter this process a few times in my life thus far — watching friends get married, seeing my sister become a mom, and even being along for the ride when my wife got to traverse Europe by train (which was a dream of mine, too). This fulfilling type of experience never gets old, and I suspect never will.

My friend Jenny Blake just accomplished a lifelong dream of hers and published her first book: Life After College: The Complete Guide To Getting What You Want. Filled with templates to kickstart personal development and plenty of wisdom culled from her own insatiable desire to create more fulfillment in everyday life, Jenny’s created a veritable handbook for the “real world.” (Also, if you happen to be a fan of great quotes from wise people, like I am, the collection scattered throughout is alone worth the price of admission.)

I vividly remember leaving college and the distinct feeling that I had no clue what I was doing. Maybe that sounds familiar to you, too. It’s easy to stumble on a path in our lives, only to look back a decade later and realize that… well, we didn’t quite mean to go that direction!

The great thing about life is that it’s never too late to make a turn.

To be sure, some of the information in this book is aimed squarely at young twentysomethings. But much of it is highly useful for anyone who wants to make sure they’re on the path they want to be on. These pages are filled with great tools — and spirited inspiration — to help us get exactly what we want out of life.

Life After College is officially out tomorrow (Tuesday, March 29). If you’d like to buy it online, you can get a great price at Amazon.

Congrats, Jenny!


  1. March 29, 2011 - Reply

    Thanks so much for the review Josh! I really appreciate it :D It is really fun to be able to support each other (and the broader online community at large) in making dreams come true…

    • April 4, 2011 - Reply

      @Jenny Blake

      Absolutely! You really do have a great product here, Jenny. I truly understand the labor of love that is a book. Nice work!

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