Josh Allan Dykstra

Josh Allan Dykstra


Future Of Work
Keynote Speaker


(+1) 323 545 6425


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7 Things I’ve Learned In California

7 Things I’ve Learned In California

1) It’s really good to be able to laugh at yourself.
It’s also good to know when to be sincere. But it’s OK if life is fun!

2) Some things are worth fighting (for).
Authenticity has become far too rare, and people who will kindly and non-passive-aggresively confront others for the sake of doing the right thing are nearly extinct. Some things really are worth fighting, and some things are worth fighting for.

3) Contentedness is hard, but worth every ounce of effort.
“The grass is greener” mentality will probably always exist somewhere within us, but this mindset is certainly amongst the things that are worth fighting. No place is perfect, but as we often tend to find what we look for, our perspective has a profound effect on this problem.

4) There are at least two sides to every story.
This one is a cliché for a reason: it’s true. The tough part is remembering it. “If you only understand a thing one way, you don’t understand it all.” – Marvin Minsky

5) Contracts are only as good as the person you sign with.
Words on a page are worthless compared to the character within the signer.

6) Discovering your strengths is life-changing.
Throughout my education, I have been fortunate enough to take quite a few so-called “personality assessments.” I remember very little about any of them (except my prickly-ness at their pigeonhole-ness) until the Clifton StrengthsFinder™. Both concise and full of depth, Gallup created an amazing resource for helping people find what they’re good at, and to become better humans because of it. Check it out.

7) Seasons are glorious.
Not worrying about snow on the roads is not a fair trade for having no seasons of weather variance. At. All. Ever. There’s just something pure and invigorating about the cooling of autumn or the gradual warmth of spring. Or clouds. And thunderstorms. (Love those guys.)


  1. October 11, 2010 - Reply

    Nice list – you had me until #7. I lived in Wyoming for nearly 20 years. Moved BACK to California on a day when the outside temperature was 22 degrees BELOW zero. You can have all the weather variances you want – I will enjoy watching them on TV and “listening” to all my hapless weather-influenced friends cry all Winter. Gimme climate boredom – any day and all year.

  2. October 11, 2010 - Reply

    Hahaha, I hear you, Jim. Now, you do know there are places with seasons that are also not Wyoming, right? ;-)

  3. October 11, 2010 - Reply

    Like all but #7! Having grown up on the beach and now living where there are seasons…I would say, “THE BEACH IS GLORIOUS” and forget the seasons. Fl is summer year round!

  4. October 11, 2010 - Reply

    Maybe this depends on where you come from…? I grew up in a place with seasons, so perhaps that’s why I miss them. Some kind of nostalgia thing?

    Also, for me it’s a “rhythm of life” thing — I like that the seasons naturally break up the passage of time. Almost like a meta-circadian-rhythm experience.

  5. October 13, 2010 - Reply

    Maximizing your Strengths is even better! By the way, your images are great!

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