Josh Allan Dykstra

Josh Allan Dykstra


Future Of Work
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Google Being Evil & Why Net Neutrality Matters

We’ve been hearing a lot about Google “going evil” over the last week or so. I just read this article, which sent me to the FCC page I link to at the end of this post and also caused me to write the following.

This is why net neutrality matters to me, in just a few words.

In a very real way, the collaborative power of the internet is the greatest hope we have for a better future for our children and grandchildren. It allows our collective ideas and brainpower to spread exponentially — imagine what future generations will be able to do with this compounding of information, knowledge, and wisdom?

The continuing neutrality of the internet is what will allow emerging generations to collaborate on, invent, and champion new and innovative solutions to the world’s greatest problems. To allow today’s controlling interests to usurp the future creativity of our descendants is a Free Speech violation of the grandest and most destructive kind.

It is short-sighted and selfish for any single entity (or entities) to claim control of something that rightfully belongs to the collective of humanity.

If you agree, and would like to do something to help make sure a creative and collaborative future is the one we create, please visit’s FCC page here. Feel free to copy any or all of my comments if they are helpful to you.

Photo by Mark Knol on Flickr.


  1. August 9, 2010 - Reply

    Google Being Evil & Why Net Neutrality Matters | Josh Allan Dykstra…

    I found your entry interesting do I’ve added a Trackback to it on my weblog :)…

  2. August 10, 2010 - Reply

    I have purposely not followed or read any of the articles this week discussing Google / Verizon as after reading the first article, I could not believe what I was reading; literally. I don’t have enough of a technical background, but I cannot believe that 2 companies could take over the internet. I read the huffpost article you linked to and candidly, still don’t believe that all points can happen; aren’t there too many other ISPs, hackers, etc? And while I consider myself a compassionate capitalist, this is one area where I do believe regulations need to be developed. I will go to the FCC page; thank you for the motivation.

    Also, I think you summed up the core issue here better than the other articles (ok, only 2) that I read: “It is short-sighted and selfish for any single entity (or entities) to claim control of something that rightfully belongs to the collective of humanity.” I’m okay with being selfish…but I never really thought of the internet as something that not only belongs to, but was CREATED by collective humanity. Great line.

    • August 10, 2010 - Reply

      @Jamie Farrell

      Thanks, Jamie.

      Like many others, I’m sure, I’ve been watching this issue play out for awhile. I agree that it’s unlikely for two companies to be able to take over the internet, but the danger here — and why I decided to speak up — comes in legal precedents that can be created by this case. If the FCC doesn’t make the correct decisions now, we could very well be witnessing the beginning of the end of the free and neutral internet as we know it. Seems dramatic, I know, but as politicians should know by now, these “tiny” decisions will have enormous impacts down the line (Social Security in 1935, ERISA in 1974, etc.).

      In any case, glad you appreciated the summary!

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