Josh Allan Dykstra

Josh Allan Dykstra


Future Of Work
Keynote Speaker


(+1) 323 545 6425


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Age Has Nothing To Do With How Old You Are

Age really doesn’t have much to do with age.

A person’s true age is more about their mentality than anything else.

You’ve no doubt noticed that a twenty-five year old can be more mature than their forty-five year old boss. Or the other way around. Your grandfather can be more technologically adept than a high schooler. Or the other way around.

A person’s actual age doesn’t really matter as much as the individual’s background, personality, interests, and maturity.

This is a real problem for people who like to stereotype individuals based on generational definitions. Generational breakdowns become limiting very quickly.

This is also an issue in most organizations. We think age=experience=wisdom, but what about when it’s not?

Leaders need a better way to measure and assess the capabilities of individuals. Talent assessment is a step in the right direction, and the piece most often overlooked (particularly in recruiting). I believe there are two other pieces; more on this soon.


UPDATE: Here are the other two pieces!


  1. May 5, 2010 - Reply

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Josh Allan Dykstra. Josh Allan Dykstra said: New blog post: Age Has Nothing To Do With How Old You Are […]

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