Josh Allan Dykstra

Josh Allan Dykstra


Future Of Work
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Read This: BURST

Much to my own disappointment, I haven’t read very many books lately. To some this may not be a big deal, but I have always loved reading — which makes this fact a rather huge bummer. It seems there are times in life when business and life circumstances conspire to keep us from our regular extra-curricular fun, and now is apparently one of those. Lately it’s all I can do to stay “caught up,” without putting anything extra on my plate. (Perhaps you can relate.)

Despite this, when my friend Ryan asked me to read his new eBook, I said yes. To be quite honest, though I’m rather certain I didn’t hesitate outwardly (at least I hope not), I’ll admit I enjoyed an internal moment of panic. “How big was this book going to be?” Also I thought, frankly, “Was it going to be any good?” I knew Ryan was a fantastic thinker, but as you probably know, good thinking and good writing are sometimes very different things.

My worries were completely unfounded. Ryan’s book is called BURST: Bursting the Bubbles of 5 Teamwork Myths, and first, it is very short (the official page count goes to 47). More importantly, however, it’s wonderful.

I’ve been a dedicated student of the subject of leadership for almost a decade and a half, so I’ve read quite a few leadership books. There are a lot of good ones out there, and perhaps one day I’ll make a list (although for now you can peruse this if you desire). But BURST is different, and I loved it for a couple specific reasons.

First, this is the kind of book that can only come from a deep thinker who has also practiced leadership. Having known Ryan for quite a long time, I know that he’s not only well-read, but he’s tried this stuff out. He doesn’t just think about what it means to lead, he’s done it. This is of enormous importance, and it comes through in the writing.

Second, this book is succinct and straightforward. I don’t know about you, but I am completely over the bullshit. Give it to me straight, and give it to me clearly. I don’t have time for anything else. I don’t need to see how well you can confuse me with your complicated vocabulary (yes, I’m talking to you, Academia). I just want to understand the world better. BURST is delightfully clear.

Third, this book is counter-intuitive. I talk about this a lot around this blog, but much of what we know to be “common sense” is actually bad habits passed down through bad leadership. To fix this, we have to deliberately adjust our thinking, and that is precisely what this book does so well — it points out the five most popular myths about leading teams, and then gently shows you why they’re a bunch of crap. (My word; Ryan is much more diplomatic.)

Here they are, if you’re curious:

  1. Bubble #1: Teams are best built on trust and relationships
  2. Bubble #2: You can empower others
  3. Bubble #3: Teams need to establish a leader
  4. Bubble #4: Conflict indicates a lack of unity
  5. Bubble #5: Teamwork requires people to set aside their self-interests

You can probably see why this book is so important: these myths are everywhere.

If you’ve read this far, I hope you won’t delay. Click here and then trade an email address for a terrific eBook that will improve your thinking, and therefore, your leadership.


P.S. Just FYI, this book is written for a faith-based audience as Ryan focuses his work on a particularly complicated kind of organization called “the church.” I promise it will work for teams of any kind, but you should be aware of this language going in!


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