Josh Allan Dykstra

Josh Allan Dykstra


Future Of Work
Keynote Speaker


(+1) 323 545 6425


Can Technology Make Our Lives Better?

Can Technology Make Our Lives Better?

“What role does technology play in aiding or hindering habit formation?”

Obviously tech is becoming more prominent in our lives, not less.

But SO much of the tech we’ve built to this point is to help me buy more things I don’t need.

Think of Instagram’s (seriously brilliant) algorithm — it’s VERY good at showing me the EXACT things I would want but didn’t even know existed… and now that I’ve seen them I NEED them…!

It’s fun… I guess.

Sometimes it’s helpful!

But can’t we do better than this?

What if we took that kind of technology and pointed it at improving the human experience??

Technology should not be a DISTRACTION to making my life better. It should be a fundamental assistant in MAKING my life better.

(This is even more important now as we’re starting to realize what GPTs will do.)

Technology can and should be used to make our lives fundamentally better.

We CAN increase the quality of the human experience through technology. But if we want this, we have to be intentional about building the technology in THAT way and not just creating it to increase the output of dollars into other people’s wallets.

This is an excerpt from my great conversation with Ashutosh Garg on The Brand Called You podcast! Check out the full episode…



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