Josh Allan Dykstra

Josh Allan Dykstra


Future Of Work
Keynote Speaker


(+1) 323 545 6425


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In Denver? Join Me In Person To Explore The Mind-Exploding Stuff I’ve Learned In The Last 4 Years!

In Denver? Join Me In Person To Explore The Mind-Exploding Stuff I’ve Learned In The Last 4 Years!

As you may know, I’ve been in a bit of a “tech-shaped hole” for the last 4+ years building this #lovework thing.

What you may not know is WHY I’ve devoted so many years of my life to this.

The #lovework project started with a haunting feeling that the WAY we’re doing leader and team development (the bread & butter of my career for the last 15 years) wasn’t REALLY working… it’s just not moving the needle on things like engagement like it could or should.

I was convinced something MUST be broken about it — but I had no idea what it was.

4 years ago I didn’t have the faintest CLUE what the problem was, or how to solve it.

Now, I know.

And I want to share these things with you.

If you’re in Denver, I hope you’ll consider joining me and Kali for this session. It’s super cheap ($25), and we get to spend 4 special hours in person together digging into all the crazy, sometimes mind-exploding sh*t we’ve learned…!

Because I want you to know it, too.

It might just change your life/career, and maybe together we can change the world a little bit better/faster…!

It’s all happening on Tuesday, January 16, from 1p-5p!

Hope to see you there.



The Change Alchemist: From Information To Habit Formation (4-hour SKILL BUILDING session)

Participants will learn:

  • The reason why large-scale organizational change initiatives aren’t sticking
  • A powerful new model to translate information into habit formation
  • Exactly how to implement a better learning system in your organization

Date/Time: Tuesday, January 16, 1-5pm IN PERSON

Location: Library near Glendale (exact location provided upon registration)

Session Fee: $25 fee ($15 if not currently employed nor paid for your work)

Please RSVP (all are welcome!)


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