Josh Allan Dykstra

Josh Allan Dykstra


Future Of Work
Keynote Speaker


(+1) 323 545 6425


Helios & TEDx

Helios & TEDx

Wow, it has been awhile since I wrote you all!

This year has taken some unexpected twists and turns — I didn’t anticipate this year to be positively exploding with transitions, but here we are.

I’ll share two of the highlights that are right in front of us at this moment:


Since the beginning of 2017, the company I help lead has been called Strengthscope U.S. — this was fine brand and served our newly-configured team well as we pivoted from a more consultative service-based model to a more focused train-the-trainer and product model over the last 18+ months.

But as we got further into this year, we realized this brand was stifling our strategic direction. We realized our true passion wasn’t only about the Strengthscope® tool, but what it allows us to docreate energy-based, life-giving places to work (If you’re wondering what exactly that means, it’s easiest to see when contrasted with what many organizations are right now: fear-based and life-sucking.)

So we’ve decided broaden our brand — we’re now called Helios (more on the name here, if you’re curious). We’ll still be equipping our Tribe with the amazing suite of Strengthscope® tools, AND we’re now able to offer other exciting things that will help fundamentally reinvent what it means to “work.”

To that end, I have another announcement…

2) TEDx

Like many people, I imagine, I’ve been wanting to do a TED talk for years. Well, the time has finally arrived — I was invited to join the red-circle stage at TEDxYoungstown on September 22!

I only ever really talk about one thing (making work not suck), so the topic wasn’t terribly difficult to settle on. But HOW to do this in a way that’s worthy of the TED stage…? Trickier. It also has to be comically short: my event only gives speakers 12 minutes! It’s been one of the more difficult things I’ve done, but I’m extremely proud of how it’s turned out.

As a small preview, the talk is called “How Work Can Heal The World” — I’m beyond excited to share it with you and the rest of the world.

I’ll post here again when it’s online and available for viewing!


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