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         {preface} | {album cover} | {lyrics & spoilers} | {thanks/credits}

written 11.4.04 – 6.16.05

I spent the majority of my adolescent life on the outside of the "cool" group. I was never hip, I was never rich, and I was never all that comfortable in my skin.

I always wanted to be popular, I just always seemed to be about a year behind the curve.

Fortunately for the dorks of the world, we eventually do catch up (and hopefully get ahead), but it's usually not before a terrifyingly-high number of embarrassing and lonely years.

Looking at it all now, I realize that popularity isn't all it's cracked up to be; that sometimes those people that got all the attention were probably much lonelier than I ever was.

If this song were a fable, its moral would be that we all want someone to care.

see the lyrics

website © 2006 josh allan